How to reprogram your subconscious money mindset with Manifestation Coach Loren Runion


INTRO: You believe that you can't make that money and then you get on a sales call with someone and you have that in your head, you'll self sabotage, you're gonna find a reason as to why this person can't work with you. Whatever it is.

 JENNIFER HULLEY: You're listening to the brand authenticity, edit a podcast for solopreneurs who want to level up their self awareness, so they can build a life and a business they love. I'm your host, Jennifer Hulley. Let's dive in. Hey, everybody, this week, the episode is a mash up, we're doing a bit of an explained episode and a bit of applied and we're diving straight into the concept of manifestation and money mindset. We're going to be picking the brain of mindset and manifestation coach Loren Runion, you may have seen her stuff on Instagram, or you may have heard her amazing podcast Align and Expand. And what we're doing today is we're going to be talking all about the ways your thoughts around money, the beliefs and the values and the lens which you created and inherited as you grew up, all the ways that comes to manifest and take root and shows up in your life as an entrepreneur. Not only we're going to dive into the theory behind it and learn what it is, but you're going to get some great strategies for how you can actually start changing your money mindset today, I encourage you to listen to this episode and hang out to the end because Loren's got some really cool offers that are coming out for you that you're definitely not going to want to miss. 


So who exactly is Loren Runion? Loren is a mindset and manifestation coach who is passionate about helping ambitious women create breakthroughs and discover that they already have everything they need within them to attract abundance, clarity, joy and ease. She coaches women on how to build their dream businesses using mindset and manifestation work through the process of subconscious work, learning to regulate the nervous system and to build a manifestation framework that works for each individual client. She's a registered nurse of 15 years turn successful entrepreneur. And she built a lucrative photography business using the principles that she teaches in less than two years. She's also hosts of the Align and Expand Podcast as I mentioned earlier, and you can hear a variety of topics that inspire you to embrace wellness, explore spirituality, and create balance in all aspects of your life. If you're looking to connect with Loren, go to the show notes. I'll have all her links there and you'll be able to find her in all the places that she's in on the internet. 


All right, let's dive into money mindset with Loren Runyan and take my word for it. You're gonna want to download and save this episode because money mindset is so multi layered, and there's so much into it, you're literally gonna be like that head exploding emoji where you're like, Oh my god, you're gonna want to listen to it again. Alright, let's go. Hey, Loren, welcome to the show.

LOREN RUNION: Hello, Jennifer. Thank you for having me.


JH: I am so excited. You're here because we're going to talk about a juicy subject. And we're talking about money mindset. And it's a very complicated multi layered topics. I'm really excited to pick your brain and let you or have you share everything that you know. So why don't you before we dive in, just let people know who you are, what do you do? And how did you get into all things mindset and money?

LR: Okay, well, as you mentioned, my name is Loren Runion and I am a mindset and manifestation coach for female entrepreneurs. And my goal is really to help women create a life that they love and the life that they dream of, and empower them to know that it's 100% completely possible to obtain without doubt, stress and overwhelm. And really just to teach women how to create this resilient mindset framework that helps them reach their business goals. So that's what I'm passionate about. And I started doing this work because I 40 now, and at 38, I just had this I was what I'm going to call an awakening based off of just an event that happened where I realize the power of my mindset. And at that time, I didn't even realize that a mindset was like a thing that was important in life. You know, I thought that my thoughts were thoughts and this is my life. And I basically thought that my anything that was happening externally to me was That's just it. That's why it was happening. And I realized that that's not the key. The key is that you actually have the power to change your external circumstances with your thoughts. 


JH: I love it. So before we get going into it, I think maybe just Could you give us an overview or an introduction to what the term money mindset means because it's not a term that I think everybody is aware of. My clients and I we end up talking about it at some point because we start talking about business goals. And revenue and pricing and packages, and that's usually when it comes up. And for the people I work with, sometimes they're aware of it. And sometimes they're like, What? What do you mean? Money mindset? So give us your, your definition of it. What does it mean? 


LR: Yeah, this, this is my definition. My definition is that it is the belief system that you have about money. And just like any belief system, it includes your thoughts, and the actions and how you handle anything related to finances and finances, meaning and when I say finances, that sounds like a very fancy word for me, because I'm not a financial expert. But finances meaning like, how, how do you feel about earning money? How do you feel about like, letting money go? How do you feel about paying your bills, all of those things go into what you know, you want to call your quote, unquote, money mindset.

JH: And, so it’s about your feelings and I guess what you believe is possible, right? It's like your worldview. And money, like you're saying money is it's in everything. It's in so many aspects of our life. But how is somebody money mindset created? Like, are you just born with the money mindset? Do you pick it up in school? How does it you get a book? Like how do you develop your money mindset? 


LR: Well, I believe that most often are not we, we might be born with some of that, you know, carrying on from, like, 


JH: There’s the concept of like generational trauma. 


LR: Yeah, yeah, 


JH: …you can absorb. Or you can be born with certain things. So maybe it’s like that.


LR: Definitely, definitely, yeah, it's in our DNA. So my answer is that it's often modeled to us from our caregivers, or our parents, and I'm going to probably just say, parents just to make it easy, but whoever it is, that raised you, and you are around as you were growing up, and it's you develop this money mindset, just like you developed other beliefs that you have beliefs, like your religion, or beliefs, like you should be nice to people or, you know, any kind of belief that you have, that causes you to behave a certain way, is the same as a money mindset or money belief, and you developed it in the same way. So what you witnessed your parents doing, when it came to working, what you heard them say, when they were talking about how to spend money, how to handle money, what they said when they watched other people spend their money, all of those things are things that you absorbed and most likely carried with you into your adult life, and apply them to your everyday life, whether or not you know it.


JH: What's like a money belief someone might have, then you're saying, like, what you've what parents said about bills or earning? What's an example like, of a positive, negative, neutral? Just? 


LR: Yeah, well, yeah. So to give you like, an idea of how this might form, you know, we have these financial comfort zones, and the comfort zones form just like the money mindset forms, and you may have someone who was raised in a home that was extremely wealthy, and they watch their parents, you know, obtain extreme wealth, buying clothes, you know, it may be very normal for them to buy something that's $300 you know, a sweater that's $300. And it's nothing, they may have somebody who waits on them and serve some food and have this different lifestyle, and then you have someone who maybe didn't have that opportunity, and they were raised in a home that you know, they may have been on food stamps, or they may have had just a single parent income where the money was tight. And so you weren't the thought of spending money on a $300 sweater wasn't even an option. You know, you may be at like a secondhand store, purchasing your clothes. So the things that may come up that you witnessed your parents saying could be things like, money doesn't grow on trees, you have to work really hard to earn money, you have to go to school for your money. Like you have to get a degree if you want to make a lot of money. It could be something like money is evil. Those are all things that you may have heard your parents say as you were growing up or it could be something just that you witnessed and didn't even have to hear them say it could be something like your dad was the breadwinner and your mom stayed at home or if your mom you know single mom and she had to work three jobs just to put food on the table then you may equate having to work really really fucking hard to get money to come into your life.


JH: So it almost builds this like like lens through which you view and interpret everything but also not like translating I'm trying to think of the expression I'm thinking of but it's your worldview like it's what you think is possible. What causes what, what happens when you do this. It's your entire, like, programming system for how you understand the world really, because money is in everything, right? Like it's in everything. It's created, you're saying through your experiences with your parents, and as you grow up, and where your parents get it, your parents get it from their parents. So it's this very long tangled process I can imagine of the history of your family probably as well.


LR: Definitely, definitely. And then I also believe that you can have this ability to create, maybe not even a new belief, but definitely a limiting story or limiting narrative that could affect your everyday life based off of past experiences or traumas. And so I've read a book and it's called A Call of the Wild and she has, you know, trauma with a capital T and trauma with a little T. And I don't think I have to explain what trauma with a capital T would be. But you could have some traumas with a little t that it could be something really simple as you know, for me from personal experience, when I was growing up, my parents talked about how bad debt was, and it was this terrible, horrible thing that you could do to yourself. And you should never have credit cards. And the first thing I did when I turned 18 was get a credit card, and then I racked up debt, and then I had to hide it and it was created the shame. So then I created the cycle of shame and feeling unworthy because I had this debt, and I had to hide it, which created, you know, a whole new money, belief or money narrative, that it wasn't necessarily that I got from my parents.


JH: Right? So it sounds like it sets the stage, so to speak, right? Your money, mindset sets the stage for how you will then act and then your actions will create scenarios that will most likely reinforce whatever belief system it is that you've, you've created or that you've built as a child growing up, it leads well into the next question I want to ask you, which is like, how does your money mindset express itself in your life, like you're saying, it might be how you handle debt, or how you encounter debt, or how you welcome or don't welcome debt into your life, like what else show up in regular life, but then also, as an entrepreneur, what does it look like?


LR: Well, so in regular life, it could look like …


JH: ..Not that like entrepreneur life isn’t regular…


LR:  Right? Yeah.


JH: Like in non-work related life and work related life.


LR: So in non-work related life, it could come out is how, as how you feel about, like, how you feel about letting money go, or how you judge how much money you spend on things, like your money mindset is as simple as looking at something and thinking that's too expensive for me, or I would never spend money on something like that, like, that's a part of your money mindset. And it's a part of your money mindset that affects your life and more money that you're going to bring in. Like, if you continually have this pattern of thinking, I can't afford that, then what you're going to continue to bring into your life is things that you can't afford, you may have thoughts, like, when I have X amount of money, then I'm going to feel really good, or I'm going to I'm going to be free. Or when I have $50,000 in the bank, I'm going to be safe. Those are money mindsets, those are things that we start to think and may even think, again, you know, having to have X amount of money, if you don't have this amount of money in your bank, then you aren't safe. That could be something that you have from your parents. 


It could also be something really as simple as what you are thinking and saying when you're paying your bills like what what comes up for you when you're having to pay your bills? Are you scared? Does it make your chest tight? Does it bring up all these negative feelings like I don't have enough money, those are all that self-talk that you're having, when you're doing these things, that all it is entailed with your money mindset. And then as an entrepreneur, I mean, it literally directly determines the amount of money that you're going to make as an entrepreneur, because as an entrepreneur, you're not necessarily you can't really call yourself one until you've made money and you're making your own money. And the if you have a belief system where you don't feel worthy of money. Creating abundance is always going to be something that's like an uphill battle.


Or if you feel like you have to work really hard for your money and you equate the time and hours that you put in with the amount of money that you're going to get back as an entrepreneur. Again, fighting an uphill battle because that's not how money works. Even though we have really grown up with this. This mentality that the nine to five mentality that because you've put an X amount of money, you're going to get x amount of hours, you're going to get x amount of money back. 


JH:  Yeah, and I'm thinking like, I'm thinking how much of a like a mindfuck that must be for people because not everybody starts their life as an entrepreneur. Most people start at a job and then are like, I hate this. I want to do my own thing. And I'm thinking of like, how much of a mindfuck that might be for your brain to have learned certain things like I put in this many hours and I get this much money and it's always constant and my paychecks, always the same or whatever. And how that might create hurdles or stress when you move into entrepreneurship or how it could stop you even maybe from pursuing entrepreneurship, right?


LR: Yeah, that's definitely what came up for me when you said that is that that's probably one of the biggest things people have a hard time letting go of is that because they even subconsciously unconsciously think they're very safe because of their nine to five, and that's where their money is coming from, it would make it very hard to make that leap into full time entrepreneurship if, if you believe that your money comes from an external source, like your job, your boss, your clients? 


JH: Yeah, absolutely. Like I can say, from my own perspective, I was a teacher for 15 years right before I went full time. And in Canada, or in Ontario, where am the public school system is really regulated, like there's a salary grid that every teacher is on. And you're on this level, you start here year one, you climb your two years, like you get up to year 11. And then that's your amount, you get the same amount every single day, or I'm sorry, every single paycheck, right? And it's very regulated, and it can make you feel safe. That was the biggest hurdle for me jumping was like, I'm safe, because I have the same amount of money that comes into my bank every two weeks until I die. You know what I mean? Like, and it created this false sense of security, because I thought, okay, I'm financially stable and secure. But I was like, emotionally not safe at all, because I hated my job. And I was very depleted and drained and burnt out. But I stayed, because I was like, Oh, this is that's what I had equated safety was was this constant amount of money. So I can just see how it can, it can create this like filter lens, or almost like set a roadmap for you that you're going to just go along in your life. And if you don't stop with some awareness in question, you could be possibly pursuing a path that you don't want to or like neglecting to see a possible path?


LR: Or feel like you have you have to do it, you know, you feel like because you think, because your brain likes to put things together, and I have this so that means I'll have safety. But in reality, we really have no idea you have absolutely no idea what the public school system would look like, in 10 years. As much as you know, what it would look like from your entrepreneurial journey in 10 years, you know, you really you think, you know, because right now you have safety. But in reality, we don't know. So for sure, it would create some roadblocks there with that.


JH: And I can just like, do you think money mindset for is having a positive or a healthy money mindset? Do you feel that that is a prerequisite for entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial success?


LR: I think it is a prerequisite to have a entrepreneurial journey that brings you joy and brings you a stress free experience. I think that you could for sure, obtain wealth and abundance as an entrepreneur and not have a healthy mindset. But I think a couple things could happen, I think that you would work yourself, not have any boundaries. And you would just be constant hustle mode, hustle, meaning like no balance between work in play. And you just are constantly anybody could build a business working 24 hours a day. But is that what you want, like, if that's what you want, cool, most likely, you wanted to start a business because you wanted to create this dream life where you have vacations, and you have like, time off. And so then you're not setting yourself up for creating what it is that you wanted in the first place. I also think that we have, as I mentioned earlier, these comfort zones with money. And if you have a comfort zone, and right now you only think you're worthy, you're able to make $50,000 a year when you make over that $50,000 a year. So you make $100,000 a year you're crazy millionaire, you're going to self-sabotage that amount of money that you're making, because you haven't expanded your comfort zone and your money mindset along with your journey. And so you will never hold on to that wealth that you're obtaining. Because right now it's not safe for you subconsciously and you have to get rid of that money that's coming in.


 JH: That's fascinating. So like you could obtain what you think you want, but then it won't bring you the experience or the feeling that you desire because your brain isn't really primed to process and sit with it. So money mindset for an entrepreneur how's it gonna affect you like your say it might put a cap on what you think your possible like what you can possibly make, what else?

LR: Wow much you make and then so it's if you believe that your money comes from a certain source, you're going to try and focus on basically creating the how of how your money is going to come in and creating that like you think that you know better and how this money is going to come into your life and and so money is energy and that means that It's a couple of things. It's such a deep conversation. But if you start focusing on money being this physical thing that comes to you, based off of a certain client, you're never going to see this ability to create money other ways, because you may get really stuck into this, this mentality of like, Oh, this client said no to me. And then that means I'm not going to make my money this month. But reality is money is energy and money can flow to you and other billions of other ways that we don't have the ability to think of. But if we get stuck into this mentality that it only comes from a certain client, or it only was gonna come from this one gig, we're gonna continue to set ourselves up for creating a life that's really stressful and overwhelming.


JH: Interesting, yeah, I'm thinking like, it's about you're saying, like opening up your awareness to the possibilities that like, you don't control where it comes from. And it comes from different sources. And I'm thinking from like an entrepreneurial perspective, it can probably cloud your thoughts in terms of like, what's possible, like what you could actually produce or exchange or do in terms of gaining revenue, and limit your options, potentially limit your growth, like maybe prevent you from doing something that you should be doing and exploring in order to progress in your progress in your business. 


LR: Right, you may have started your business thinking that you could only make money from one area, for example, you know, a big focus prior recently for me was working with food bloggers, and food bloggers think that they are going to go into this and they're going to make money through ads on their website. Yeah. And they get so focused on this, this creating money through media vine that I believe they lose sight of other ways that they can create money, and so then you burn out or you self-sabotage, because you're not making any money or you, you create all these scenarios, because you've set yourself in theme that this is the only way that you can make money. And from like a manifestation standpoint, the reality is, is that money is money comes from whatever you want to believe in, I believe in God, you can believe in the universe, you can believe in your higher self, it comes from a higher source. And the money will come to you through so many variety of ways that you will never ever be able to like think of if you allow it to. But when you set yourself on this strict tunnel vision of this is how you're going to make your money, you don't allow you're basically repelling those other ways from the money coming into you. Because you've got yourself set on this one way of making it happen.


JH: Like you're filtering out information or filtering out possibilities filtering out. Potential, right?


LR: Yeah, for sure. You could you could you know, one of your we, your subconscious mind works by showing you the things that you believe in. And if you only believe that you can make money one way, it's only going to show you that thing. But if you believe that if your belief is that I can make money in infinite ways, then your subconscious mind is going to show you infinite ways that you can make money.


JH: Absolutely. Why does your brain do that?


LR: Well, it doesn't to make it easier. So you know, our subconscious mind has so many jobs, but one of them is to keep us alive, like a that's probably like priority number one, keep us alive, but also to conserve energy. And so to conserve energy. And one of the biggest reasons that you want to work on your money mindset is because when we take in any information, our brain likes to generalize, delete or distort the information that we take in. Because there's so much information going on, we can only take in so much of it. And so part of the brain's job is to delete, Distort and generalize based off of our internal filters. There's a lot of internal filters. One of them is your belief system. So your money belief system will filter in only what is important to you and what you believe in, it's not going to show you that there's infinite possible ways to make money if you don't believe there's infinite possible ways. 


It's also going to like generalize things. So if you believe that women can only make a certain amount of money based off of like how you grew up, or you believe you have to work really hard for your money, you're going to in general terms only see things that show you continually that you have to work really hard for your money. It's going to generalize everything that's around there pseudo like a non money terms. If you're walking down the street, and you see a house and you're like, what is that square building with windows? Okay, that's a house and then you walk three feet and there's another house and you're like, what is that thing? Is that how your brain wants to conserve that energy. So you're going to generalize things so that's what it's going to do with that and then it's going to delete as well. So if you went to, we want to anon thing like a non-money thing to think about with deletion is say you have lost your keys, and your Looking for your keys and you're running around your house looking for them and you can't find them and then 10 minutes later you realize your keys are in your hand the entire time that's a deletion from your brain because it didn't think you needed to know that at that point. The same thing happens with our money mindset or any mindset things we're gonna delete and not even know that it happened or occurred because it wasn't something that was important to our internal filters.



JH: Right or something like that. The brain didn't feel like you need this for survival right now, right? Like I feel like the brain is a computer or like a car or something that's always trying to optimize its performance right like you're saying it's trying to conserve energy keep you alive. It doesn't want like everything about a car you want to put gas in a car every 20 minutes like that would drive you crazy so it's trying to economize its performance across the day so I feel like your money mindsets not there to like fuck you over and keep you miserable and keep you broke or thinking you're gonna be broke or keep you disengaged with your however you're spending or whatever it's just doing it to try and make your life air quotes easier right like because it's trying to process information quicker and get you through the day quicker like you said you can't our brains I feel like our brains would explode if we had to process every single piece of data that we came in contact with over the course of the day. So it's almost like you load up these like programs like computer programs in your head like a software system right that's like okay this is this is this I know how to do this and boom Bob's your uncle I don't know where that saying came from. It must be like Bob's your uncle. Anyone listening can tell me if that's actually a Canadian ism but it does it to sort of streamline and keep you going the way like to prove that you're right to streamline things make me be able to act quicker but it's not always in line with what you want to do right and where you want to go like there could be this mismatch between your brain programming and what you're choosing to see believe feel think whatever and what you actually want to experience


LR: Yeah, and if you're running into roadblocks if you feel like you are perpetually running into like, this is what I want Why can't I get it and something keeps happening to where you can't achieve those goals or dreams with your money? It's because you need to dive into your money mindset and your belief system.


JH: Absolutely. No, that would make me like think my next question was like is your mind money mindset set? Or is it like fluid and changing like is it something you can actually strange strange stretch, bend and shape?


LR: I think this is an awesome question. I think that it's all three I think that we have the ability to make our money mindset worse, because if you aren't aware of the power of your thoughts and the thoughts that you're having are creating your reality the more your reality your external reality gets like the worse it gets, the worse your mindsets gonna get because you think that it's based off of what's happening externally so I think that we have the ability to like if we have a money mind like a money situation that isn't great and you're paying your bills and then you don't have enough money to pay your bills and then you put money on a credit card and then the credit card keeps growing and each month that cycle is happening I believe that you can continue to make your money mindset worse because you continue to think that it's something externally happening to you I also believe that when you become aware of us it's for sure fluid it can grow as much as you want and you couldn't I mean I haven't experienced this yet I believe it of course I have blocks there the money that you can have in your life is it is like exponential there are no limits to the amount of money that we can have in our life You just have to get there in your belief system I'm not there if I was there I'd have it you know those people who are millionaires, millionaires, billionaires whatever the amount of money they have they didn't not believe they couldn't have this money and so your your mindset can for sure expand as long as you're taking like a practice it's almost like a daily practice it is a practice every day becoming aware of what you're thinking is this thought what I want to create my reality with my money situation? Yes, okay cool think it is not what I want to create my money situation No, let's work on that. And then I also think it can stay stagnant just like we said before, people may not be aware of their belief system or that there's even a reason for you to change it. You know, when I first got into mindset work prior to doing that my husband used to tell me I was negative all the time and I'm like, What the fuck do you mean I'm negative like I don't know what it means. I wasn't this like Debbie Downer walking around all to me. That's what negative used to mean to me is thinking. Everything was I don't know, like Eeyor from Winnie the Pooh. It's like that's what I think of and, but it was more of if it was a possibility of raining on an event that I was supposed to go to that was outdoors. I would assume that it was going to rain and then I I started to realize, okay, well if my thoughts have the power to change my reality, like, maybe I am creating that rain like I used to just think I'm this is just practical thinking, I'm just assuming the responsible thing that it's going to rain or this person's going to rip us off or you know something, anything like that. And that the same thing happens with your with your money mindset.


JH: Can you give an example of like, you're saying how your thoughts create your reality. So like, from a money perspective as an entrepreneur, say you believe that nobody will pay over? I don't know, let's say no one will pay over $2,000 for this service or whatever. Like, how does that belief then create that reality where you're not making more money? Like, how do you get what I'm saying?


LR: Yeah, yeah. Well, I think there's two ways that we could talk about that. The first way is that your thoughts create your actions, you know, we have these beliefs and these thoughts, and then we have feelings, and based off of all those things, we have our actions that we take on them. And if your thoughts and beliefs are that you're not going to be able to get a client over $2,000, then you're never going to take the action that it takes to get that client that's over $2,000. Because the reality is, is you can't just think your way to wealth. I mean, I'm sure there are people out there that believe that and some forms of manifestation are like, believe that you think, yeah, I don't believe that, I think you have to take action.


JH: So you had a thought, like, so you don't think anyone's gonna pay over 20 $500 for your service, you're not going to take the action that you need to, to get bigger clients. But even if like you did get on a call with someone who was like willing to pay you 510 $1,000 for something, I feel like that belief that no one will pay 20 $500 more than 20 $500 is going to affect like, even how you interact with the person.


LR: It's gonna totally Yeah, you'll start your self-sabotage like, and that was something that I wasn't I'm just not digging into the self-sabotage. But I totally believe that yes, if you believe that you can't make that money and then you get on a sales call with someone and you have that in your head, you are going to do something even before the call, you can be like, Oh, this person has a rifle, you're going to find a reason as to why this person can't work with you. Whatever it is, I totally believe that you can do that. The other way that your thoughts create reality is kind of from a manifestation standpoint, what we think about we bring about and the more you focus on it, the more you're going to draw it into your life. And so from like a very basic manifestation law of attraction standpoint, our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings create vibrations, and the vibe, there is a law of vibration, a law of attraction. And as part of like a bazillion universal laws. The law of vibration is states that everything has a vibration, everything in this universe has a certain vibration. And then the law of attraction is that like attracts like so like vibrations attract like vibrations, your thoughts that you're having are creating these feelings. So if your thought right now is that you can't have a client that pays more than $2,000 that's creating a certain feeling which is creating certain vibration, which is going to continue to bring to you that matching vibration. The vibration of someone who pays more than $2,000 is a different feeling in you like if you tune in and start thinking about what what does it feel like when I get this $5,000 client? What does that bringing me that's a totally different vibration in your body. It's a different feeling. That's when you start having that and tuning into that vibration. That's when you start attracting that into your life. So there's there's, those are two ways that you can really see how your thoughts create your reality.


JH: Yeah, like it sounds like there's two schools of thought not two schools of thought but two frameworks almost like from the manifestation energetic standpoint for people that are open to believing that they can look at it from the vibrational aspect of what they attract. And I know for some people like that's too far out of their realm to comprehend or to think about or they're just not their jam, but they can look at it from the standpoint of like, the way you think is going to dictate how you act right to go back to that like your brain wants to prove you right? So if you believe you're not going to make that money you're going to act in ways that you don't make that money and it's this almost like self-perpetuating cycle or like you're building your own coffin for lack of a better you know, like you're like yeah, that's what I believe this is what's going to happen. And so I'm thinking like, how could changing your money mindset actually like change your life as an entrepreneur, like what potential lies for somebody who wants to do the work and change and develop their money mindset in a different way than what it is now.


LR: If you are unhappy with your current money, situation as an entrepreneur, the only way to change that is to change your beliefs. And so because your thoughts create your reality, that's the only way to shift it like the end. So I personally do not believe there's any other way that is a way that is sustainable, and joyful and easy. Without shifting your mind. Not that shifting your mind can be easy, because that can certainly be no


JH: I was just, I feel like working on your mindset is going to be work. So like, why would we even bother, like what's on the other side


LR: of shift the other side is the life that you want. The other side is the life that you're you the life you dream of is on the other side of doing the inner work. And the reason that you have these thoughts of what you want to create within your business or your money, or anything that you can think is something that you already have within you. And you just have to do the work the inner work to change it. And the benefit of doing that is being able to become consciously aware of knowing that you can create the reality that you want to create. It's as simple as that there's nothing else to it because your thoughts create reality. If you are open to changing your mindset, then you are therefore changing your thoughts which will therefore change your reality.


JH: Absolutely. Like the world is your oyster. If you choose Let it be.And how do people do that?

Like that's, you know, if you're okay, you're like, yeah, cool. I'm ready. rubbing my hands like an eager anticipation. I want to do the work. I want that life like how the heck do you get started doing this? Yeah,


LR: I so this is how I like to look at everything. I think the first step is to always, like you said, it's creating awareness. But sometimes people are like, how do I create awareness? There are practices that can help you create awareness, like meditation, they give you want to learn how to create awareness on your thoughts. Meditation is for that, but we don't have to dive into it. I suggest if you're gonna sit quietly, and you're gonna hear your thoughts. Yeah, well, people think they are aware of what you're thinking, because all these distractions will pop in as you're like, Can I stop doing this? Like, yeah so the whole purpose of meditation people like, think I don't want to do meditation because I can't make my brain stop thinking, Well, the reason you can't make your brain stop thinking is because that's not the point of meditation, the point of meditation is to realize that the thoughts that you're having, and when you latch on to those thoughts, and to create the ability to step back from those thoughts that you've latched on to, and just let the foot you know, thoughts go. And either choose a different thought, or just choose not to. But anyway, to start creating this change in your mindset, I believe it starts with your self-talk, and the thoughts that you're having in your head all day long. We have these cycles of self-talk 80% of what you haven't, what you say, today is what you said yesterday and the day before, and it's this unconscious thing that you're doing, and it's your it's programming your subconscious mind, because this is what you're thinking, the more you say it just like an affirmation, it's programming that subconscious mind. So learning what it is that you're saying about your money situation. 


So my suggestion is that you evaluate, like, just pick three areas of your financial life To start with, it could be your career in business, it could be money, meaning like what you earn, or it could be your financial situation, meaning what you look at when you go into your bank accounts, scale yourself on a scale of one to 10. How is it? Is it a one? Is it a 10? What makes it you know, if you say, okay, it's a five, and you want it to be a 10? What makes it a five instead of a four? Like start asking yourself these questions, and then to start changing those areas. Say you pick your career and business. And that's the one that you want to start working on first, because it would be hard to work on all of them. Yes, you start tuning into what it is you're saying to yourself, when you're working on that area when you are working on your client pitch and what you're going to charge your client. What is it you're saying to yourself in your head, and if you need to write it down, okay, I'm going to charge this client $300 and then start writing down the conversation that happens inside your head, is it that crap, I don't think I can charge $300 they're never gonna pay that, write that down. And that's self talk. That's a belief that's coming up for you. And then dig into it. If you aren't able to hear if you're still not able to hear yourself talking, you're still not able to able to recognize those thoughts that are coming up for you because that could very well be true. You can be very unconscious to the things that you're saying. Start tuning into how you feel how is your body feeling when you're thinking about pitching to a client? How is your body feeling when you're thinking about paying your bills if you are not feeling amazing, and you're starting to feel … Everyone has different nervous system response for me I start to feel very fight ish and it's very sympathetic for me. It could be like my heart And then I could even almost have frustration or anger and climb up that scale, you could be someone who has a sympathetic nervous response that's totally different. You could freeze and you could not do anything or you could, like people, please, that's a part of a nervous system response where you just go straight into people pleasing. So if you can't tune into the thoughts tune into how your body's feeling. So that's step one, I believe, to start to create awareness to create the change for your money mindset,


JH: Right? Like you can't do anything until you're aware of what's actually like what tape is playing in your head.That’s, I feel like that's probably a process in itself to just actually give yourself the, like, the space and time to step back and be like, what's going on in my head, because I think like, from my own perspective, I feel like I can think 25 things at the same time. And it's like them, and I'll remember one of them. But I wasn't really aware of all the little steps that I took in a conversation with myself to get there. So I like the idea of like, writing out conversations with yourself before you do something like pitching.


LR: Yeah, yeah. And from there, that's when you start doing the change work. And the change work can be whatever really resonates with you, but change or it could be as simple. I mean, what I do the most. And what's made, the biggest impact for me is just choosing the thought I want to think over and over and it's not about not having negative thoughts. And it's not about having this overly positive thought. It's about Okay, I just had this thought that I can't charge this amount of money for my client. Is that what I want to create my life? No. So you choose a different thought and you choose one that that correlates with the life that you want to have. And the more you do that, because your subconscious mind is programmed with repetition. The more you do that, the more you're reprogram that subconscious mind. Change where it can be other things change or it can be affirmations, like I said earlier, if you love affirmations, then do them. I don't love them. I think I went overboard with affirmations for a while and then I started to feel really heavy. So I recommend you just do them. Like when it feels good. Don't ever force yourself to do affirmations. Don't make yourself like stand in front of a mirror and look lovingly in your eyes. If that doesn't feel good to you like, it feels good.


 JH: Yeah, and I feel like sorry to butt into put the affirmations in your own words. If you have aspirations, that was a big thing for me. I would like to say these affirmations and I was like, it took me a couple of months, I was like, This is not how I talk. So I had to like start putting literally like the F bomb and some of my affirmations because that's how I talk. I be like, I fucking deserve this. Like I had to have this like, self-talk and affirmations that sounded like me. And I think that that's something like you said, you don't want to be like standing in the mirror. I feel like I don't know if you remember Stuart Smalley from SNL where he was like, I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. People like me, like that's what people think of with affirmation. So I feel like it's, I like that you're mentioned you're saying that, like if they don't feel good? Or if they feel weird, don't force it, but make them like fit for you.

LR: Yeah, I only do them when I feel like I need to do on. And I I it is so important. I'm glad you said that, that you did, say words that resonate with you and feel the feeling. So the point of doing the, your subconscious mind is changed by repetition. But what it's changed by more is when you have this really strong feeling and the repetition. And so that could be something bad or good, you could have this really strong feeling associated with this really, really strong negative feeling and a repetitive negative thought that reprograms the subconscious mind and vice versa with a positive one. So doing that, and then also making sure that those affirmations are stated in the present moment, and not as something that you're either putting out putting out further or that you are like, Don't ever say, I want to make $100,000 a year. Don't say I hope I make $100,000 a year. Don't say one day, I'll make $100,000 a year, it should always be sad as I make $100,000 a year you say it exactly how it is that you want, like, like it's happening right now. Because if you say it in a different way than your subconscious minds, just gonna keep putting that out further and further. Like that's not what you're going to attract. It's going to be, Oh, one day, she wants that she doesn't want that right now. So we're going to just put that on the back burner.


JH: Right? It's not going to seek out the opportunities to prove that Oh, you do make that money, right. Because Yeah, I think to go back to what you're saying about how your brain will seek out to prove that you're right. So if you're like I make $100,000 your brain is going to look for opportunities to make sure that that is actually factual.

LR: Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. And journaling,


JH: That’s like Jim Carey. Yeah, yeah. He wrote, he wrote the check. He wrote a check for like a million dollars and put it in his wallet. And he was like, I've made a million dollars for this. And it was like a moment that he talks about that was very pivotal in his career and money. But it's about he didn't like say like, oh, one day I'm gonna make this. He was Like this is my million dollar check.


LR: Yeah, there's power in that there's power and writing yourself a check. It's you know, that's a big part of a lot of like money manifestation challenges or anything like that or even just when you're one of the things that you can do is to start start shifting how you feel about your money situation, because your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real and make believe, is that you start telling it a story that feels good and doesn't create this crazy, scary response. So just like Jim Carrey did that instead, I make 100, you know, or $1 million, for whatever for that film, whatever he did, I don't know the exact scenario. When you're writing, if you write checks, or pay your bills online, whatever it is that you're doing, you're telling a story to your brain that feels good, I am paying, you know, a charity for $1.You know, whatever it is like you don't have to, you can tell your subconscious mind whenever you want. And it will carry it out. There is power in visualizations, and make believe, like there's studies done, there's a study that where people were castrated, and like their arm was castrated. And they had people who went to physical therapy. And then they had people who just did the mental work, like imagining how strong their hand was when they got the cast off. And the people who did the mental work were actually further along than the people who didn't do the mental work. 


JH: There's a lot of studies like that one with weightlifting, where they had people lift weights every day, and then they had people just imagine lifting weights, like they didn't do it. But the people that just imagined lifting weights gained muscle mass over the course without doing anything. Yeah, their body was like, I'm lifting weights, holy shit, I better send proteins or whatever it is to that part of the body. And it was like, here we go. And it like set off this cascade of like, yeah, this cascade of like biological things to prove that. Yeah. Okay. Lifting weights is what's happening. Yeah, and the notion things about running. Yeah. Right works. Yeah, it's it's crazy, right? Like you're saying this, there is power in make believe and thinking, yeah.


LR: Action paired with action, right here with action. Yeah, yeah. And the other thing that I think is super important that I think gets left out a lot is that you have to do nervous system work. And I don't think you're going to hear people say that. But that can be as simple as doing meditation. And it can be as simple as doing breath work. Because what I think happens, from my experience, and from hearing other people's, especially entrepreneurs experience, the trauma stuff happens, you put yourself out there and something happens that really is triggering to you. And it can be within your money and it and then every time the situation comes up, you start to have a nervous system response, you start to have like this heart racing in again, you'll freeze you'll, you'll find you'll, you'll just not do it, you're going to avoid it. And so if you don't start doing the nervous system work, like breathwork, like EFT or tapping, that's what's going to help you make the lasting change so that you can like continue to a past, like push past what your current blocks and money beliefs are, and continue to create change within your money mindset.


JH: Absolutely. And I think I like that you brought up the trauma piece, because I don't think people talk about it a lot. They talk about, like the visualization, the journaling, meditating affirmations, and that piece gets left out. And my own knowledge around like from what I understand is that, you know, there's basic human survival needs that we need, like that's the thing that people drives people's decisions. And one of them is to acquire and stockpile resources, right for safety. So one of your biologically driven human survival needs is to acquire money and to hang on to money and to save it. And then when you have these experiences, like you're saying, where maybe something didn't work out, or something that happened in your childhood, or something that happened as you're an entrepreneur, it can be processed as a traumatic experience, and then your body is going to, like, encode that memory in a physical response, right? And so and then I think what happens is like, we forget about that, and we look at it, like we beat ourselves up being like, why can't I think better about money? Why can't I just be more confident with money? It's like, well, your body is kind of also hijacking your brain because this inherent intrinsic need to survive by acquiring money is also linked to these experiences that you have. And I think, like what you're saying it has to be that bodywork has to be a huge part of it. 


LR: Yeah, yeah, we have this response this, the way our nerves work is that you can have thoughts that create a response in your body and your body can make have a response that creates these thoughts. It's this motion that can go up and down. And actually more of the stuff that gets to your brain. Like if you're thinking of something like a arrows that go up and down, you have more of a response from your body to your subconscious mind than you do from your thoughts to your body. And so when you start feeling that like it's huge like that's why you have To, you have to get can be as simple as walking, you know, if you have for a very long time dreaded having the bills that come to your mailbox. And every time you walk to your mailbox, you have this sense of dread or your heart's racing, you can't change your beliefs if you are still having this response in your body. And so you have to, you have to work within the body as well. 


JH: Absolutely. Like I'm thinking, you we beat ourselves up and say, like, why can't I think better about money? Why can't I think this but like, if you think of that scenario, we said, like, you go to your mailbox, you have this gut reaction, right? You feel like you can literally feel it in your gut, you feel your gut clench, and then your body sets off this like cascade of like hormonal responses, right? There's like those fight or flight system stress, all those, you're just flooding, it's like you're flooding your brain with drugs almost right to basically prime yourself to run or whatever your fight or flight reaction is going to be. It's going to be a hell of a hard like a hell of a lot harder for you to control your brain at that point, right? So like, no wonder no, you can't think a great thought right now. Because your body is like pumping adrenaline and other stuff into your body. So it's like, you can do all the mindset work that you want. And you can think, like think better thoughts, and I'm going to do this. But if you're still having this, like strong physiological reaction, I feel like it's only going to go so far.


LR: Absolutely. Yeah, right. Yeah, I Same thing with like, pitching to clients, or any kind of client work or sending your prices off, or whatever it is that you do in your business, you probably have some kind of response. I know, one of the ones that I recently worked through, was sending off my biggest, it was my biggest to date yet, like proposal, and I got really nervous and I started to feel away in my body, I don't want to feel that way. Every time I send a proposal off, and you don't have to, but you have to train your body that you're safe. And you have to and there's ways to do that. And so you can like I said, do the tapping and that works so fast to do the EFT and start regulating, like, the emotions and, and the physical body at the same time.


JH: Absolutely. I will say like, you've talked to me personally about tapping over and over again. And I never did it until recently, and I had the best night's sleep the night, the night that you made me do it, I was like super round up about something workwise and you were like, I'm gonna send you a video you have to do it. And I did it. And it was like, it just literally brought me down from like, 100 to zero and I slept and I was like, I would have never slept in this scenario previously. So I like like, it sounds like almost like a like a three pronged approach to working on your money mindset. Like there's the awareness piece, right? That you need to work on. There's the body and the trauma response piece that you need to work on. And then there's the reprogramming with new beliefs and putting in new thoughts and actions into your, into your world and your life. Yep, I love it. So, to wrap up, before we go, why don't you like you want to explain to people how do you how do you help people with this? What do you do? Like if someone's listening to this is totally jazzed up and is like, Oh my god, I want to work on my money mindset, like, how can you How can you help them? What are some of the things that you offer?


LR: Well, I also want to say that I don't even I think I said, doing this work isn't easy. And you're never 100% healed. So with each new level that you get to, you may need help with your money mindset, you know, with each like,


JH: Like every level will bring new challenges. 


LR: Yeah, it comes up. Yeah, it keeps coming up. And so learning how to create a framework and learning how to work through this every time doesn't mean you're going to be able to do it on your own every time. But just knowing that, okay, cool, this is normal, I feel this, and this is what I'm gonna do about it, because I've already done it. And I it's not easy, but you can absolutely do it. And the entire point of learning it is so that you can continue to recognize it and rinse and repeat each time that it comes up in your life. And so ways to work with me and December if, if everyone. If anyone interested wants to get onto my email list, I host a money manifestation challenge. And it's a five day challenge. I plan on doing it in December. I've done it once before everyone loved it. It's super powerful of the people who signed up and they actually stuck with it, most of them tripled what they were trying to manifest and 1000s. So it was a really awesome. And we do dive into a little bit of money mindset as much as you can in a five free day course. But it's it was it was very eye opening. And I also do meditation and an EFT within that five day challenge. So that's a free way to work with me. And then second, I have a six week group coaching experience that's going to be happening in January, and that is going to be working with only six people. So it's super limited. And I'm going to be working with this group intimately on how to magnetically create a framework that sets your goals up for 2022 so that you make them happen, make them happening with ease, and start to create this abundance in your life. So definitely man like mindset, money mindset. Everyone's goal is going to be a little bit different. But if your goal is to attract more money, it's going to be definitely fit into that six week program. So that's two ways to work with me. I also offer one to one coaching, but you can find me on Instagram at Loren Runion, or my website is


JH: Awesome i love it. This is great. You've got a lot of things like the five day it's free it's amazing and there's meditations and EFT and resources like sometimes people say it's a five day free course it's like you just get emails like five oh no it's like a legit like a legit I should charge money for it. Yeah. Work on your money mindset. 


JH: Yeah, like it. So there's that let's December and then January is the group coaching and what are you opening spots? Just for people that are listening? Are you waitlisting it How's it going?


LR: There is a waitlist, I'd like for us to put that in the show notes if possible. And then I think I already forget the date. It's going to launch on January 2 or third whatever that Monday is the first Monday in January. So that everyone is like setting up for 2022 because you know I did a poll on my stories the other day and people there they didn't they didn't reach the goals and there's there's that there's no reason for that. I can help them see that. So get the waitlist, it'll it'll launch sorry, it'll launch like, I don't know. Second, probably we could December.


JH: Awesome. Well, I sounds like you know, if you get on the email list or sign up for the free course, you'll be notified when these things launch and happen. And like you said, they can follow you on Instagram, you post lots of great stuff on there. So we're definitely suggest checking you out there. Is there anything else you want to like wrap up with one final thought about money mindset that you'd love everyone to know, before we go.


LR: I think that it's just I think I said that it's not easy work, and you're not 100% healed, and that it's okay to be exactly where you are. Like you don't have to judge it and you don't have to label it and where you are right now is perfect. And it's exactly where you're supposed to be. And it only goes up from now. You know, once you become aware and you're conscious of it, you can only continue to grow to where you want to grow exponentially.


JH: Amazing. I love it. Thank you so much for being here.


LR: Thank you so much for having me.


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How to stress less and be happier this December as a Creative entrepreneur
