Using Tarot Cards to Guide Your Intuition and creativity with Tarot Lori


Over the last few years, there has been a massive shift in the way people view and embrace Tarot Readings. In the past, tarot cards were seen as gimmicky, and a way to mislead people genuinely looking for help. Over time, many have come to see the value and power that tarot cards hold and how they can immensely and positively impact people’s lives. People are drawn to tarot for inspiration, enlightenment, and empowerment, as they seek ways to connect with their energy, figure out their purpose and reach their potential.

I have the pleasure of talking to Lori last name, a passionate Tarot Card Reader with over 30 years of experience helping clients around the world discover their purpose and reach their potential while facing challenges with clarity and courage. Lori is on a mission to enlighten, inspire & empower with tarot, and during our conversation, she drops many hidden gems and words of wisdom to help you feel inspired and empowered to go from taking baby steps to making big leaps!

Feeling drawn to Tarot

After graduating from university and working as a communications advisor in various industries across Canada, Lori explains how she continued to be drawn back to tarot cards, even offering readings to clients! Eventually, she decided she wanted to pursue Tarot Reading full time, building her audience online until she was able to transition full time.

Lori is unique in her approach to Tarot, her tagline states “woo woo without the cuckoo” and she shares how this approach is situated in her passion for the art without bringing in the scary elements. She tells me that she believes the reason Tarot resonates with many people even after hundreds of years, is because it's tapping into the collective unconscious and these archetypes that we, as a society, have been living and dealing with for centuries.

“I think that what tarot does is tell the story of you. When you work with the cards, you see the story that they create, it's like giving a little peek behind the curtain to see what's going on energetically. For me, it's not fortune telling, it's not predicting, it's actually viewing the energetic landscape. And then whoever I'm reading, I always say you have free will so whatever you want to do with this information is up to you.”

Tarot is a tool

While many like to play up the scary and fortune telling trait of Tarot, in reality, it is anything but. Instead, Tarot is a tool, just like palm reading, and is a way you can get life coached as the reader often validates what you already know, or can give you a nudge in the direction you need to go. Tarot is all about providing a perspective you hadn't considered, and it’s never about giving a grand revelation or associating with anything evil.

What matters when it comes to Tarot, is the intention you put towards the cards. Lori likes to think of her cards as a hammer, a tool that she is comfortable with and also serves as multipurpose, “I could take that hammer and go bash a glass window with it and smash it to smithereens, or I could use it to build something. It’s the intention you put behind it.” Tarot, Lori advises, should be used as a reflection tool rather than a prophecy tool, to help develop your own self awareness and own intuition. At the end of the day, it’s a great way to take a peek into your energetic landscape and see whether or not you're in the right mind frame and position to jump on an opportunity.

The downside to tarot is the issue of fake accounts and scammers out here that often impersonate Tarot readers to try and scam people out of money. Lori, however, is optimistic and believes that at the end of the day there are still genuine readers out there and they would never do cold call DMs asking for money in exchange for a reading.

Connect with Lori:


Instagram: @tarot.lori

Join Lori for the free full moon fire ritual (aka Burn Your Shit) every full moon at 8pm EST on Instagram Live

If you want to step up you full moon game, grab Lori's Burn Your Shit Kit here that includes all sorts of goodies to do the full moon ritual (mini cauldron, notebook/pencil, crystal, matches, smudging feather, and link to a recording that leads you through the ceremony.

Join Lori's Tarot for Everyone Workshop (a 10-part video series that comes with cheat sheets)

Join Lori for her Card of the Day on Instagram stories every weekday morning for your tarot fix

Individual and group readings with Lori can be booked by contacting her directly or via her website.

  • Tarot Lori

    I always tell people and that's why sort of what the whoo without the cuckoo. You know, it's, I'm serious about it, but I'm not scary about it. And I think that what pero does is the cards when they tell the story of you when you work with the cards with each other, and see the story that they create, it's like giving a little peek behind the curtain to see what's going on energetically.

    Jenn Hulley

    Hey there, it's Jenn Hulley and you're listening to side notes, conversations for the multi passionate entrepreneur, your go to space for all the things creativity, business, well being and life design. It's time to break free, find joy and create success in your very own way. So if you're ready, let's get started. Hey, everybody, I am so excited for today we have an interview episode and we are talking to Lori. Tarot Lori, you may know her as on Instagram, and she is here to talk to us all about things, tarot and intuition and entrepreneurship. And also let us know a little bit about her journey. So hey, Lori, how are you?

    Tarot Lori

    Hi, Jenn. I'm really well, thank you for having me. I'm really excited to be here and have a chat with you.

    Jenn Hulley

    Me too. We were just saying before we hit record, that I feel like it's Valentine's Day Today we're recording and it's almost a full moon. And it's like, all sorts of interesting energy happening. So I feel like we're gonna have a really cool conversation. Absolutely.

    Tarot Lori

    I'm excited.

    Jenn Hulley

    Do you want to just give everybody a little rundown of like who you are? How you got into this? For sure. Elevator Pitch, I guess.

    Tarot Lori

    So my name is Laurie. I have been reading Tarot cards for over 30 years, the deck I have is actually my original deck I've had since day one. And you know, I do tarot card readings for a living. I didn't always but I've always had it as sort of a you know, sometimes it was like my dirty little secret. And then, you know, people started telling people and I started getting promoted very organically. And then I started putting myself out there more with more intention. And here I am on your podcast.

    Jenn Hulley

    I know it's crazy. And how you how you came to be on my podcast. I don't even know I found you on Instagram one day, somebody posted something in their stories. It was one of your full moon things that you were doing, or no, no, it was one of your daily card readings. I was like this lady is funny. Like I like her energy. And that's what drew me to you is like your your bio lines that's like woo without the cuckoo. You have this very like direct way of talking about it, which I love because I you know, I'm not a very, let's deal with a lot of BS type person, right? I like to sort of get to the get to the facts and not fill things with a lot of fluff, which I love. But you talk about things in such an approachable way that's like entertaining and educational at the same time.

    Tarot Lori

    Right. And that's my goal, honestly. And that's why I tell people right off the bat, especially if I'm doing group or corporate events, I'll tell people listen, my tagline is woowoo. Without the cuckoo I'm into this. Obviously, it's what I do for a living, but I'm not nuts about it. I'm not going to be you know, saying you're going to meet Frank at that Starbucks on Tuesday. That's fortune telling. That's goofy. That's not my thing. I just, you know, we just hook into your energy, you draw a little map and I help you read it. So it's almost like a conversation with your soul. And I'm the interpreter. I'm not doing brand prediction.

    Jenn Hulley

    And so you said this is your original deck that you have you got it yet. How long ago did you say 20?

    Tarot Lori

    Oh no over 30 years ago,

    Jenn Hulley

    How did you get started then? Was it just like somebody introduced you to it? Or like what was your origin story for tarot honestly?

    Tarot Lori

    My origin story, like a superhero villain. Yeah. I have always really been into the metaphysical. I'm originally from Calgary and growing up in Calgary, sort of the 80s 90s there was not a lot of you know, woowoo stuff. There was like one metaphysical store that sold crystals and decks and Baba and there's a white witch, which is like a like a she's not into the dark stuff. She's into the light just basically pagan. She was there her name's Erica and she was the psychic. Everybody saw like my vet saw her the dentists are her parents are everyone's Erica she was awesome. And she mentored me for the with the cards I ended up doing a paper in university on the how the reaction of society to witchcraft, God ages reflected feminist UP UP, UP up. And I ended up interviewing her for this paper that I was doing for university. And through that we kind of became friends and she ended up you know, sitting down with me and literally just going through every single card and telling me kind of her interpretation of the card, the traditional interpretation of the card. And then over the years I came up because you get sort of dialogue going with your deck. And I now have my interpretation of the cards as well, which sometimes is very in line with the Tarot 101. And sometimes it's just like way out there.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, I was gonna ask that because, I mean, you learned Tarot. Before there were Tarot reading apps, which is like, how a lot of people are getting into it. Now. They're like, what does that card mean? And I know I do that, because I've been learning it for a bit, but like, there's, what is there? 78? Or 72? Yeah, so like that would take a long time to sit down and learn them all. Did you start with the like going through the book? Or did you just try and learn it on your own? Initially?

    Tarot Lori

    While I started, I think everyone starts with the book, you get the little book and my book, I think just because it's it's such an old deck, that book is a pretty substantial. It's like the size of a paperback, not a little paper pamphlet that you get nowadays. And I would go through and make notes in the margins and be reading my friends saying, This is what this card means. What do you think it says, and let's click the book. And then the best thing that ever happened to me is when I moved, I think it was like in my late 20s, I lost the book. Couldn't find the book. I've since found it, but I couldn't find it. And I was like, Oh no, I'm screwed. Rely on myself now. And that really forced me to just kind of rather than trying to remember Oh, what is that card? What is this card just kind of go with the flow and look at the card and actually see the story of the card because every card tells a story. And then together you put them together and then they tell the story of you.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, and the whole deck tells the story doesn't it from the beginning to the end?

    Tarot Lori

    Absolutely. Yeah. I mean the Major Arcana it's there's the major arcana and the Minor Arcana, the major arcanas like death, a tower, the devil, the sun, all the big big cards and the first card is the fool and the entire Major Arcana is the fool's journey throughout all of those cartons like a hero's journey heroines journey, just learning different life lessons, because that's the reason taro resonates with people after hundreds of years because it's tapping into the collective unconscious and, and these archetypes that we have been living and dealing with for centuries.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, that's what I find so fascinating is this is not like a card game that somebody invented in the 70s 80s. You know what I mean? Like it's an old, I don't know, when it when it's from, do you know, off the top of your head,

    Tarot Lori

    I think around the 1500s. And it actually was sort of a parlor game at first and then started moving into more. I mean, it's known as the occult that sounds super scary, but it's more sort of, you know, predictions, I guess. Yeah. But no, it's interesting. I tell people when I do my workshops, and this is honestly the God's honest truth. If you asked me, let's say what the seven of swords is, I could not tell you I have no clips. I couldn't describe which one it is couldn't pick it out of a lineup. But if you show me that card, I can talk about it for hours. It's really just learning the story of the card. So the idea of having to sit down and memorize a bunch of cards yuck you know, the best way people can learn and get to know their deck is to just pick a card every day. Have a look at it, look at the book see what it says and then put the card down Go live your life and then at the end of the day, kind of come back and and look at that card and think back on your day. Oh, how did this how does this apply to my day or oh, this is where that sort of presented itself and you can start to make the connection and realize applications of that card which is what then helps it to really resonate deeply so you really learn the story?

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, cuz each and traditional deck each card has a lot going on in the imagery like you could basically you can tell a story from it. Where it gets tricky I think is a lot of like the newer design cards that you can find on in shops or on Amazon or whatever. I have a deck where it's very beautiful artistically it's like collage art very surreal looks like Salvador Dali type stuff, but it becomes a little more challenging too because I'm looking at him like what is its fish like a fish with a like and it's not the same image from the traditional deck. So I'm wondering if it's for someone who's learning is it probably better to stick with the original because of the imagery is so tailored like so linked back to that story?

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, I think so. I don't get too caught up in the symbolism you know, oh, there's a black cat there. Oh, there you know three flowers there. It's more just the broader story and then for me it's how they connect across one another and of course there is channeling involved it is a tool to hook into your intuition but yeah, some of the cards I think the Rider Waite is a really easy peasy that's the one everyone sort of knows that's what my decades it's funny enough I'm actually designing a deck with an artist friend are you at we're plugging away at and it's definitely a more modern interpretation, but the you know, the core. I don't know the essence of the card is still there some of these tarot decks. They're beautiful, but I could not. I personally just couldn't work with them because I'd be like, what, what? I don't know which one is it? I'd be counting each little one. To try and read several lines, okay? Yeah.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, I think, like what what you're saying, first of all, that's exciting that you're designing a deck that's like, I have a friend who's a graphic artist. And we always say that I'm like, we're gonna design our own deck one day. But they are, they're beautiful. Some of them are very out there. Some of them are really interesting, like taro interpreted through cats. Yeah, exactly. There's a space for everybody on the internet, right? Like, there's a space for everybody in a tarot deck, you can find it. But when you're talking about, like, the symbolism and stuff, it's interesting, you say you don't go too far into it. Because when I first started learning about this, and I thought, I'm gonna watch some YouTube videos, and this lady, this lady was like, let me teach you the cards. And she talked for like, 10 minutes about one card, and I was like, This is gonna take me like 50 hours to get through all of these cards. And there was so much in it, it was stuff like that. Well, there's three fish here. And if you see there's orange over, I was like, my brain literally was melting. I was like, I can't, I can't compute can't compute. And so what I started to lean into more was like, what you were saying was like, What is this card? Tell me? What does it make me think of what the colors mean to me and trying to go more that way versus being like, what is all the information I can get from this piece of paper, because there's so much in there,

    Tarot Lori

    you can go down a huge rabbit holes and also with the numerology of it. And there are certain seasons or astrological signs associated with each suit, you know, the cups versus the coins, but you can really go you know, in whatever direction you want. But it's, it's important to find what resonates with you write what the story that resonates. And think about how when I look at this card, how does it make me feel? Do I feel sort of anxious or kind of excited or happy or kind of melancholy? Like, it's picking up the vibe of the card is more important than like, three fish in the color orange? For me personally?

    Jenn Hulley

    Yes. So how did you get into this as like a business model? Were you you weren't always doing this? Obviously, you were taking in university. So you wrote it. You wrote a paper on terror? What were you What were you doing? Because my my audience will find this interesting as multi passionate people, we have very twisty turny life paths. So, yeah. You're at university writing a paper?

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, mine was very twisty journey. So my paper was actually on witchcraft. And Taro was one component of it. But cero out of, you know, palms or tea leaves or rooms or crystals. Taro is my hammer, you know, all that other stuff, medium ship, things like that. I'm interested in I think it's super cool. But for me, those other modalities are kind of like the really obscure screwdriver that you use twice a year, whereas Taros like my hammer, I just felt drawn to it. I felt it was almost like a compulsion. I couldn't put the cards down, I'd sometimes try to, or I'd lose the book and think well, that's over. I can't do that now. But I'd always just find my way back to it. So I was studying Communications at University and graduated started working with air shows, horse shows fashion, like had a very diverse career and working with a lot of different industries. I'm a strong writer. I'm also writing a book to, to go with the deck but but like a big book, but the the account management, you know, client director kind of role in the communications industry, I was not very good at, I sort of was faking it until I sort of have made it but the thing that would often save me from getting fired from these jobs was that I would give tarot card readings to my clients, like no joke, and we'd go for lunch, and I'd be like, let's do the Tarot. And they'd be like, Oh, my God, I love and so that sort of cast to me, barely, you know, floating around in my sort of day job. And then had kids you know, move to the suburbs, but but by move from Calgary to Toronto, now I'm in Oakville, Toronto, and it just I started doing events, you know, people would want to do like a girls night and then I started reaching out to event planners saying, Hey, do you want to spice up your thing with some tarot reading? And just saying, you know, I won't charge anyone. You don't charge me to be there. What the heck just to sort of get my get my name out there. I was kind of doing whatever, whatever. Anyone who would who wanted me there for Tarot. I would show up and then started, just kind of started building a bit of a reputation, you know, people would kind of know. And I started at first trying to have all these, you know, very ethereal kind of woowoo spiritual kind of umbrella handles and I was like, You know what, it's Laurie Terrell Laurie because I'd be like, Hi, this is Laurie Carroll Lorie to sort of qualify myself when I would call people back so that's what stuck. And it was, there were a couple of times along the way where I thought I'm going all in I'm burning the boats. I'm going to just do taro full time and it was a disaster. It was it just completely fizzled. And I'd have to go scurrying back to try and find it. But then I rather than trying to have these larger, sort of managerial roles, I started going for more admin roles. Very like less required of me in terms of just what what was expected so that I could kind of do the back door yeah do that that said like you know get the steady paycheck at the security of that still building building the Tarot and then there you know, you just sort of reached that tipping point where the Tarot the day job starts to impinge on the on the Tarot I can't fit as many readings in because of the day jobs getting in the way. So then I just had to, you know, hold my nose and jump but there were a few false starts along the way, for sure. And they were necessary. You know, they were good learning opportunities.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, I love that. I totally get trying to squeeze in your side hustle with your day job. I did that for like 15 years while teaching. Like I started a cafe business inside a school to like distract me from the fact that I was teaching I started teaching graphic design and video editing in a cooking class which had nothing to do with what I was doing. But you get to that point where like, okay, like this is squeezing as much out of me as you can. So now you do this full time.

    Tarot Lori

    This is my full time I when I go to the dentist and after right in occupation, I put tarot card reader and then I always put in brackets. Yes, really excellent.

    Jenn Hulley

    I love that. So what's your tagline you just mentioned a couple times woowoo without the cookoo what does that mean for you?

    Tarot Lori

    I think it just perfectly encapsulates my approach to tarot, that it's it is that sort of metaphysical kind of woowoo stuff, but it's not scary. I think it immediately gives a sense of approachability and friendliness and humor and lightness, which is what the vibe of my readings are. I always tell people straight up I mean, the death card nobody's dying. There's no plants, animals, peoples, it's not a scary card. But there are a lot of you know, out in popular culture and you know, the Netflix rom coms, or whatever the tarot reader always slides in and she looks crazy. She's dressed like a stereotypical, like fortune teller from the carnival. So to just make it more approachable and accessible,

    Jenn Hulley

    I often hear that like, I don't want to hear bad things. So people are afraid. Like they think they're like, I don't want to know I'm gonna die. I don't want to know my friends got like nobody's i That's not gonna happen. So my understanding is that not predict the future, like, does it tell you what's going to happen? You say, I want to meet Bob at Starbucks. But

    Tarot Lori

    But yeah, I always tell people and that's why sort of what the whoo without the cuckoo. You know, it's, I'm serious about it. But I'm not scary about it. And I think that what taro does is the cards when they tell the story of you when you work with the cards with each other and see the story that they create. It's like giving a little peek behind the curtain to see what's going on energetically. For the next for me, it's like sort of for the next six to nine months out. It's not fortune telling, it's not predicting it's the energetic landscape. And then whoever I'm reading, I always say you have freewill. So whatever you want to do with this information is up to you. You could ignore it and just be like, well, well was always the one. And probably not much will change. You know, if you don't take any of the because there's usually homework with my readings too. There's, I mean, I have one card that's like this is the Brene Brown card. This is oil guy, there's Oprah sprinkled through, like there's stuff I picked up along and it's because I would be you know, watching someone's TED talk or someone on Oprah or whatever, and they'd be talking and they think, well, that's the tower. Oh, well, she's talking about the High Priestess. Oh, she's talking about the Wheel of Fortune. It was so interesting how you see these universal messages being delivered in different formats by different people all over the place. So with the terror readings it's it's just another way of bringing this information and opportunity to maybe look at something a little differently and then you know, if you want to do it, you do it if you don't you don't that's cool.

    Jenn Hulley

    I love that I love there's like a reading list and a homework assignment after because I say like I I'm a business coach with people who are very multi passionate and a lot of it a lot of the work that I do I say is a little woowoo we get into stuff like human design energetics. Enneagram, but it's like woowoo with the how to like I'm like to take this knowledge and then do something with it. And I love that you're you can see stories in you know, things like you said, like Glennon Doyle Brene Brown where it's like, okay, well I got this reading and I have all these ideas. Yeah, but now what and you can go away and tell people like do you tell them to go read something? What do you recommend? Usually?

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, I honestly every other day I'm telling someone to go watch call to courage Brene browns, Netflix special. I'm often just just saying things that that but I always try and cite the person if I'm if I'm sort of paraphrasing them and be like, Well, you might want to read them Glenn and Doug right on team because that that could that could expand upon what we're talking about here more than I could in the time that we have.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, that's like dipping into your library of experiences. I call it the library of mastery, all the things that you pick up along the way in life and you'd be like this person needs and you go through your filing system, you're like this read this.

    Tarot Lori

    Exactly. But my filing system I kind of don't know, it feels like it might be kind of like, when you open a door and in a horror movie and like everything's all flying all over the place like it's more sort of my filing system. I'm just like, get that thing and it sort of just comes more intuitively, I guess.

    Jenn Hulley

    What's the word? Like basketballs are falling out with books and clothes and stuff, and you're like shoving the door shut? I can see that. So what is like if you were to give me a description of like, tarot for Dummies, what is it and what isn't it? We've said a little bit though it doesn't predict the future. It does do an energetic reading.

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, it's not fortune telling. It's not going to say when someone's gonna die. And also spoiler alert, like rock and a die. Let's focus on what we're going to do. In this moment. You know, my mission is empower, inspire and enlighten using Tarot. So Tarot is a tool, you know, just like palm reading could be or, you know, other things can be but people often say it's kind of like you're getting life coach by yourself in a chair in tarot reading with me, because I'm saying stuff that often more just validates what you already know, or maybe gives you a nudge in a direction, or a perspective, you hadn't considered that kind of thing. It's not usually big, like, bah, bah, bah kind of Revelation. It's not evil. It's not, you know, dark magic. It's not scary voodoo stuff. It's just pieces of paper with pictures on them. I always tell there's really nothing. They're very benign. It's the intention you put towards them. So like I was saying earlier, I use Tarot. It's kind of like my hammer. It's the tool that I just am comfortable with. And it's like multipurpose for me. And I could take that hammer and go bash a glass window with it and smash it to smithereens. Or I could use it to like, build something like it's the intention you put behind it. So if someone has, you know, nefarious intent, and they go out trying to scare people, you know, that's not great. You have to sort of know who you're getting a reading from. Just like anything, you know, someone could use it with like an malicious intent behind it. He can usually pick those people up because they just yeah, they don't seem serious and they look creepy.

    Jenn Hulley

    And there's a lot of there's a lot of crap with that floating around on Instagram right now that you had that those like fake accounts where they pretend to be the person and be like, Hey, dear, send me money.

    Tarot Lori

    And I'll reach down two weeks ago, to or it was about two weeks ago. Now. I had seven accounts pop up in personating me in 48 hours. And they and it's like the 10th time it's happened in the last year or so. And they're reaching out. They had my best friend in Calgary like DMing with them for a little bit until she was like with you. So but so I mean, it sounds ridiculous if you know me, because you're exactly right. It sounds like a like a 98 year old like grandma talking Okay, no, dearie, would you like to be considered for reading, but a lot of people were falling for it. So fortunately, I was able to connect with some people who knew people who knew people, you know, with Instagram, Facebook, so I was able to get them all shut down pretty quickly. But it's horrible. Because I've had a lot of other tarot readers, astrologers, things like that reach out to me. thing, what do I do? You know, and all you can really do is educate people.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, I'll say I've seen that. There's a few people that I follow mediums, tarot readers energetics, and it's been happening to them. A lot of them. I've like, every day somebody got a new account, it's always them asking for money in a DM for a reading. And I guess what these people have always said is like, I will not approach you like, I will not be DMing you I'll see if I can read you. And that would be you know, a little bit of malicious intent behind it as you're saying, but I wouldn't you said that it was like, a life coaching thing. Yeah. Because that's how I feel like I do, I'd card at the end of the day. I don't want the card at the beginning of the day, because I don't want to be like looking for stuff and being like, I'm looking for this to happen, right? Because that's what I'll do. Because I'm like, I'm like perfectionist performance driven. And I'll be like, I am making this card happened. So I do it at the end of the day. And it does, it provides this lens to look at what's happened and what's going on in your life and kind of interpret things and like have these conversations with yourself about like, yeah, maybe that is happening. Because I find it guides you where you need to go it's not going to guide you down a path where you're not supposed to be reflecting or talking about something.

    Tarot Lori

    That's right, it's very Yeah, so you're you're using it for a moment of reflection which is fantastic. And then that is one thing when people ask me about you know, timelines and things like that, can you tell me if this is gonna happen in the next you know, year or something? I always say I'm not I don't do timeline because it can become like you're saying a self fulfilling prophecy? Where if I tell someone you're going to meet the man of your dreams by the last day of May? Well by the last They have made the day before your you know, is it you? Is it you? Is it you you get in the car like you're just trolling the streets looking because the taro lady said to, you know, you want to empower so you don't want someone to abdicate responsibility of their life to say Miranda was card?

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, absolutely. And I saw, I look at it as it's a tool to like develop your own self awareness and your own intuition, which is why I love it for entrepreneurs, right as an intuitive tool, or just like a, like a self awareness, self knowledge tool. Because there's a lot of reflecting a lot of shit that goes on when you're trying to build your own business, especially people. Like the audience of this podcast, who are multi passionate, they have a lot of hobbies, a lot of business ideas. They're like, I'm making their CRL they're buying another URL, they've got a side hustle and a side hustle. And we often will say like, I'm a hot mess, right? But Taro can be that little thing that kind of rains it in a little bit ICL. Do you would you agree?

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, for sure it can, it can give you just a little check in, right, you kind of check in with yourself and just sort of, again, sort of having a peek at that energetic landscape. You know, and if you see if you're thinking, Oh, I'm wanting, I'm wanting to expand, and I'm wanting to take things, you know, I'm wanting to like launch that new product or whatever. And then you check in with the cards and the cards are kind of indicating like it's time to more go within. And then that could actually give you a moment of pause to go, you know what, I'm actually being super crunchy and desperate. Like there's a clenched desperation about it. But you know, I have to do it, I have to do it, because I just picked some random timeline, rather than doing it intentionally and thoughtfully. That's an example of how a card can just give you that moment of oh, yeah. Okay, you know what, I'm going to just take my time rather than just getting it out, because I said, I'd have a doubt.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, it's a gives you an opportunity and like a lens from which to sort of zoom back right to zoom back and see, like, like you said, the landscape of what's going on how you're feeling, and stop us from like, barreling ahead with ideas without kind of checking in with ourselves. I look at it as a tool for like, like I said, developing, not Developing Intuition, but tuning into your intuition, because I think your brain will always try to make the connection to make it make sense for you, right? Like, it'll sort of find that thing that maybe you're not paying attention to, and help you guide you through these things in our business in our life that can be sometimes stressful, not fun, or places where we feel like we're stuck.

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, I think they can definitely help you sort of recognize those intuitive hits. But even more importantly, trust them, because that's the thing with a lot of us is that even me after all these years, every so often I'll look back and think, why didn't they just listen to me? Like I knew, why did I ignore it? You know, it's it's the, we often recognize it and then dismiss it because like you said, the logical smarty pants part of your brain gets in there and said, but when you are just kind of, you know, in flow and just kind of trusting your gut, it's a it's often, you know, it's not going to lead you astray.

    Jenn Hulley

    Do you ever find, I guess you probably for yourself, because you wouldn't be reading somebody significantly, like over and over again. But do you find like you're doing a daily card for yourself? Do you go through times where you're like pulling the same card frequently?

    Tarot Lori

    You know, what's interesting is, so I do a ton of readings in a week. And I'll often find that one card it just feels to be seems to be showing up in every single reading.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah. Which I find, like a similar thing like a collective experience, perhaps.

    Tarot Lori

    Yep. And there, it's funny. There's cards I started calling COVID cards, not because anyone's getting COVID. But just because they reflect what's happening on this global scale with all of us, as well as marks individual micro level. So yeah, certain cards that usually the homework cards will just come up almost every single reading and then every so often, I'll think, Oh, I haven't seen that card in a long time. And you know, it just really, and I mean, if you saw how much I shuffled these cards and constantly shuffling the cards, it's not like they're not getting a good mix.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, I mean, for my own like experience, I'll shuffle them like crazy, because like, I'm very like, into the woowoo. But I'm also like I said, a bit of a fact checker. Like I'm a mythbuster. Like, I'm like, Yeah, I'm like, let's make sure I'm not like messing this around. So I'll like shuffle them like crazy. And I'll, like I said, I'll pull one card today, I'll go through periods where I've pulled like the same card, three days in a row. And then by the third time, I'm like, Alright, I'm like, Alright, I got it. Like, again, it seems, but it's interesting to me how it's like the same thing will come and it's like, are you listening? Are you listening?

    Tarot Lori

    And so yeah, I would suggest you might want to even pick a second card, if that happens, let's say for the third time, because it can often give that first card some context by the people. And you know, some of the cards have have certain threads or through lines or themes that connects them. And I'll tell people and readings pretty much I'll say, you know, you're going to see sort of a fingerprint, a tone of voice of vibe of this reading. And when I sound repetitive? It's because these cards have these themes connecting them. And it's kind of like the cards are saying, Did you hear it? Are you listening? Are you sure you're listening? You know, they're trying to. Like they're like, not leaving any room for ambiguity. Listen up.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, it's it's funny. Like, I get to the point where I'm like, Okay, I roll like, I'm like, Okay, I got it. Like, I'm getting lectured by my mom or something, you know? That's what happens. But I like that idea of pulling a second one to be like, Okay, I'm not getting the message. Like, what else do you need to sort of? Tell me to connect the dots? That's an interesting way. Yeah. Cuz I find that myself. I'm like, and I have a friend. Same thing. She's like, I keep pulling the same card. I'm like, I think it's just representative of the energetic landscape, like you're saying, and some things take a while to move through, right? Like, you're not going to be in an energetic space and be like, boom, different the next day, like it takes a while to kind of ride through some stuff. It's interesting, though, that you pull some COVID cards. Can you think of one off the top of your head? Like what's well? I mean, the tower

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, the tower is the Big Mac, daddy COVID card. And then the other ones are all swords. knight of swords is a COVID card because it's bonkers unpredictable energy, like getting on a log in the water. And then the other two cards there for COBRA cards. The other two, one of them. See, I don't know because I can't think of what the number is. And like, you know, the one where she's in the bed and there's all this, like, it's that kind of thing.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, yeah. The tower, I can see that the tower is like that whole idea of foundational beliefs and things that your structure just sort of being upside down and crumbling. Just a good metaphor for the last few years.

    Tarot Lori

    The lessons being learned, right? It's big. It's the blinders coming off, and big lessons being learned that aren't easy, but are necessary. Yeah. So

    Jenn Hulley

    if somebody wants to get started learning Tarot. Do you have any suggestions for them? They can go buy a deck. Like they don't have to wait for somebody to give it to them.

    Tarot Lori

    I've heard that but that's I mean, I say just go get your deck.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yes, I also gifted it's got to be a full moon, you got to put a Christiana it's like I just need a deck of cards sometimes. But

    Tarot Lori

    you know, when I got my deck, I did drag my friend to the one we will store in Calgary and say like, this is the card deck I want buy it for me, please. And you're literally like fear is your deck out. Thank you. This is my deck. So even though now I tell people like it's fine. So yeah, you just grab a deck that resonates with you. And then just start picking a card today, I find that the easiest thing and use the little pamphlet thing. I mean, I offer a video workshop online. That sort of teaches the story of each card. And it's not about memorizing because as I've already proven to you, I have not memorized.

    Jenn Hulley

    Anyone can memorize. There's so many stories.

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, you're learning those stories and how to craft a question and how to craft you know, you can you can find those sources wherever but honestly, it's just taking a card every day. And also just give a reading to anyone who will sit with you. And you don't need to do I think the Celtic cross it makes me summer Kurt, I think that that thing is crazy. I have a spread I use that is, you know, 12 cards, it's astrologically based. It's actually Erica, the witch she developed this spread herself and she sort of let me use it and it's evolved for I've evolved it over time. But yeah, you just pick a card. And you know, a three card reading can be incredibly insightful. A one card reading, if you see my card of the day, one card can be so juicy.

    Jenn Hulley

    If you're a multi passionate entrepreneur that's committed to consciously designing a life and a business that you love, and you love what we're talking about here on the podcast and over on the gram. But you'll also love connecting with like minded people for that feeling of support, community and growth. Then I want to introduce you to something called the Wayfinders platform. Wayfinders is your go to online space for all the things we talk about here. Its creativity, its business, its marketing and well being. It's inside this space that you're going to learn to understand, celebrate and support yourself to make better decisions and take aligned action as you engage in the process of conscious business and life design. Come join us on the inside with your entry level membership. It's at an accessible price point and gives you have access to the online space that is designed specifically for you, the multi passionate entrepreneur to give you the resources and the community that you need to support yourself through all the levels of your business and life journey. When you join as a community member, you're going to gain access to a private online community to share ask questions, get feedback and support free quarterly webinars that are designed to support you and your business life design process. Access to the Get It Done interactive business planning framework, which is jam packed with over 70 pages of templates, organizers, data collection sheets and self paced coaching videos. Literally there's over 14 videos in there for you to watch. But you're also going to get insider posts exclusively content, things that take you a step further than what we're tapping into via social media. But not only that, you're going to get front of the line access to all sorts of things, group masterminds, masterclasses new products and services at a discounted rate. The best part is you get all of this, for the easy price point of $149, Canadian or $120 American for the entire year, as literally 10 to $15 a month, depending on where you live. So if you're ready to join the fam, sign up with the link in the show notes. And I can't wait to see you on the inside. Sometimes I think less is more, right? When you're trying to process big emotional themes and change and stuff in your life like the Celtic cross or anything. It's got like 12, or it's like, like, I have ADHD, I'm not gonna make it through 12 cards, right?

    Tarot Lori

    And like, this is the past, this is the future. This is what you're not looking at what you are looking to know. Thank you.

    Jenn Hulley

    No, it's like, this is what your mom's thinking about when you're at work, or like, I don't need to do that. I just need the basics. So that's nice. That's interesting to hear like one card three cards. I think that's doable, right for people, and not having to memorize it for sure. If you can go and memorize a tarot deck, like all the power to you. That's like, memorizing an encyclopedia, I think.

    Tarot Lori

    Mm hmm. Yeah. And it's not necessary. So yeah.

    Jenn Hulley

    What do you have? You were saying you have a workshop? What does that like? It's an online workshop that people can purchase.

    Tarot Lori

    It's the workshop I developed. I've been teaching it for like 25 years. And I honestly went, it was funny, because might have been me being intuitive. But the year before everything got locked down for COVID, I thought I'm going to offer this online. So I basically just sat and, and presented my workshop to the camera, exactly as I would if there were people in front of me live. And so it worked out really well. And then it's like a 10 part video series. And it's not 85 hours, I think all in it's like, less than a couple of hours. And then there's little cheat sheets that come with it. So you can add your little, little No, and I and I incorporate, you know, the taro 101, for sure. And then my interpretation is different. And then it's very much about helping the person start to develop and trust their own interpretation of the card. That's just as important if not more, so.

    Jenn Hulley

    That's cool. I like that series of videos and little a little workbook, which is nice. And tell me about your book, you're writing a book, you're creating a deck.

    Tarot Lori

    Yes. So the book turns out yes. As just my workshop, honestly, in book form, because I thought, oh, I'll just have it for people who maybe are more, you know, the readers versus the visual learners. And then I started thinking, I want to sort of make a, an example of each card that is kind of a practical application of that cards essence, you know, in a modern example, and on Instagram, I often, you know, write little stories or little, just little whatever, there. It's almost like little blogs. And so I thought, Oh, I'm gonna actually repurpose some of these. And now it's this whole thing. So it's, it's a lot, but I'm getting through like, and that'll be cool. Yeah, it's good. Because it's, it's very, it's a modern application. And again, it's not getting, you're not getting bogged down in the weeds of like the three fish in the two flowers.

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, so then being like, what season is this? And where, you know, where's mercury? And it's just simple and applicable. Well, that's cool. That's something exciting that's coming and you've got the chorus, which is cool, too. And you're I would would say your your daily card readings, I find they're awesome, because they're quick, right? They're quick fire digestible, you also present them in a way that's really entertaining, but they really have helped me like to learn the cards, because when you explain it, it's like I can remember the stories a bit better. So I'll put all your details in the show notes so people can find you because they're gonna want to follow you for sure and follow up just to get your daily card reading as well. And you do your full moon thing which will be coming up soon, because that's what today's the full moon

    Tarot Lori

    Eight days from now, I know it seems to be coming faster. Every month. Like what already you're like, Yeah,

    Jenn Hulley

    I know, back again, what do you do for the full moon? Do you want to give a little explanation of what it is?

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, for sure. It's a full moon fire ritual that I've been doing either on my own or presenting it to people over honestly again, over sort of like decades and it's just this little Full Moon fire relief, where you're not setting fire to like T shirts or furniture or anything, you're just writing down on a slip of paper. And we do a little grounding exercise at the beginning it's like half an hour start to finish but at the beginning of those grounding exercises just kind of help things bubbled to the surface that you might not have been aware of that are holding you back you know from stepping into your potential or moving forward through that relationship or whatever it is. So it could be I now choose to release this toxic person for my life. I now choose to release anger towards whatever I now choose to release blocks conscious or unconscious that are keeping me from progressing in Baba and then You say it out loud, and you light it on fire. And as it starts to burn, you say, and so it is. And then I now choose to release Baba Baba. And so it is and watching these words burn is incredibly empowering and cathartic. And it's interesting because people I started doing it online on Instagram live with the pandemic because I chose to go and so now I mean, I'm in Canada to haul my cookies out to my front porch regardless. Right, every month people are joining from, I've had people from like Kuwait, Utah, Panama, Kenya, Australia, all over the world and the the overall, consistently, like the consistent feedback I get is that it doesn't solve things overnight. It just it there's a loosening and a lightening and it takes the energetic cap off the toothpaste so things can start moving. It's very Oh, it's wonderful. And at the end, we do a little closing thing. We pick a card of the month. It's a little virtual coven. It's lovely.

    Jenn Hulley

    I love it burning your shit. And do you do that on like the night of the full moon? Or is it the night before every

    Tarot Lori

    I tried to on the full moon, whatever the full moon, whether the full moon was like 11 o'clock that morning or four in the morning. One though not for my ex that would be the next day. But you know, or nine o'clock at night, but 8pm Eastern, I just tried to be consistent. I'm out there. And they keep my feed, just because

    Jenn Hulley

    I was gonna say yeah, you'll put your post about it on your stories a lot so people can join in and watch. I was watching one recently and I was like, it's cold outside. Like that's what I saw. Like Laureus sitting out there and freezing ask candidates for them.

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, yeah. It's fun because people have started writing in just DMing me or send me an email of what they'd like me to burn on their behalf. And so and anonymous, anonymously, of course, and one month I don't know if you saw this, it was really spectacular. This woman said, I want to release cancer. She was going back for a checkup and you know, she had been through treatment by Baba and so we did it like I think he's talking about and and we did this and I asked everyone on the Instagram Live to like hold space for this woman. We lit it and the flame were the most vibrant emerald green. I've never seen flames this color and like energy.

    People were looking people were commenting on Instagram Live what I was like super crazy. And like response and then next I was a few weeks later, she sent me a note to say she got the all clear and also that she had gone out and like how old under the moon that night because she she felt that energy and just like felt this huge relief. It was magical and even placebo. I don't care.

    Jenn Hulley

    It still works right everybody SIBO works. It works like it right? I

    Tarot Lori

    don't think it was because I felt I was gonna levitate from the goosebumps.

    Jenn Hulley

    I was gonna say I got goosebumps right now. That's wicked that the flame was green. I think that heart chakra is supposed to be green as well.

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah. And also like Archangel Raphael. He's like, Yeah, blah, blah, blah. Like they're all these things that everyone was telling me about. I was like, what does this mean? That's pretty cool.

    Jenn Hulley

    It's spooky, but it's the right type of spooky, like,

    Tarot Lori


    Jenn Hulley

    Awesome. Do you want to do a little reading? Absolutely. Not gonna see sit with you and hold the same card that I've been pulling for the last couple months, I will probably just fall off my stool.

    Tarot Lori

    She want me to I'm just giving them a shuffle. Do you want me to pull one card? Or three? I always do one or three? Not usually.

    Jenn Hulley

    Let's do three.

    Tarot Lori

    Okay, what's a nice one just flew out. Sometimes it's me being sloppy. But if it shows up in the reading, it means something. Let me tell you, I'm just gonna stare at you that awkwardly while we shuffle. That's how I get your mojo in here for the remote reading. I actually like more than in person. I think people are more comfortable in their own space. And more open energetically when they're at home. Okay, just hit the deck. All right. So I'm going to find out the cards and just ask I always have to close my eyes. I don't know why. What is the need to know right now? I find that asking what you need to know right now is a great question. And then you could ask What else do I need to know right now? Because the cards often tell you what you need to know rather than what you want to know. Anyway. Okay, you ready? Yeah. So the first time I'm going to tell you what each card is and then how they work together to give you an overall message. Okay, the first card you got that big mac dad made the card, the tower power. I mean, and also consider and this is something I tell people when they get readings and they're familiar with Tarot, because I do have my own interpretations that have evolved over time. So in the context of this reading, it's my interpretation. Yeah. Okay. So the tower is telling you, it's like you've had blinders on about whatever. And those blinders need to come off because this is not an authentic way to go through life. And when those blinders come off. It's like the veil is lifted, and you go oh my god. Now I get it. Why didn't I see a singer doing tennis that fits the lightning hitting the tower, and then the process of those blinders coming off can sometimes be an hour And that's the people getting pitched off the side of the tower. But you have to remember that if it's if it's an alley, it's short term pain, long term gain. You know, when it's happening, you might think, did I kick puppies in another life? What the hell? Why is this happening to me? But there's a moment down the road where you have perspective to go. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Okay, I get that. And sometimes you think, Oh, my God, what a blessing. And other times you think, no, I hated it, it sucked, but I get it. So it's like the guy getting fired from his job. And you check in with him in a year and he's living his best life and wants to kiss the guy who fired him. Or an example I give people that shows the positive tower cuz it's not necessarily all doom and gloom, but it is the rug being pulled out from under you, my husband and I newlyweds blowing our money on stupid stuff, love a family one day, whatever, and then knocked us out of the blue. And even though it's this wonderful, joyful event, and he's in college now there's that moment of like Paul blinders coming off. So this is a card of enormous growth in its growth that is never easy and sometimes painful, but it's always necessary. Okay, so around this tower, it could be something leading into it or something coming out of it. You've got the chariot. Now for me the chariot.

    Jenn Hulley

    I'm sorry, that's the card I keep pulling to keep. It's on my wall right now. Because I printed it out and stuck it there. I've been pulling it for like two months, like ever. Really? Yeah. I'm goosebumps. I was like, if she pulls the cherry and I'm like, I'm gonna batch.

    Tarot Lori

    That's not solid. No joke. Yeah, let me tell you, it's interesting, because so you have your interpretation of the chariot, and you keep, and that's what and you keep pulling it. Let me tell you my interpretation. It's sometimes a bit different, and see if it might add a different perspective or resonate a bit differently. Because the chariot for me is all about big choices. needing to be made like big choices, not just me getting skimmer 2%. And this card is reminding you When it comes to big decisions, weighty decisions, don't be all logic and think it to death. Don't be emotional about it. Let your gut habit say to but don't be all good. Either. Let intuition intellect emotion all be a part of the decision making process. And if you're ever, if you're ever at a crossroads thinking, Is it this way? Or is it that way? Take a moment to just close your eyes, ground yourself in breath and just visualize going down each path. Make it a really visceral daydream, like, the dog is barking. And when you're in each one you check in with your body, like how does this make me feel? How does that make me feel? Because your body will always give you clues. You'll feel the tightness or the heaviness of the butterflies, you just want to poop your pants, but one option will feel better or less gross than the other. And it's not necessarily so cut and dried. This is great. That's horrible. It could be well that's disgusting. But that one's worse. I'm doing option discussing or ooh, that's really good. But that's better. Let's do that one. So head hurting guts around big choices that are coming around this tower like they're connected. Okay, and then the third card I've got tend to be issues with you. The third card, what the heck is that? It's the five of cups and the five of cups. He's sitting there looking at these cups that have spilled, he's like, Oh my God, my God, I have no cups. They're all gone. And there's totally still some cups behind him. This card, the Tarot. 101 is like be more glass half full and half empty. But for me, it goes a bit deeper, just reminding you of every crappy situation, circumstance, relationship, whatever. There's usually a takeaway, maybe not a gift or a lesson, let's not get stupid. But even just the takeaway of Well, now I know what I don't want, you know, that's important, or thanks for being a dirtbag. Now I know what boundaries are. That's useful, right. But we often have to dig through the rubble to get to those rubies. And sometimes it's 20 miles of crap to get a dinky little rock. But that's sort of the point. So I don't believe for a second everything happens for a reason. I think that's goofy. But I do believe that out of everything that happens, there is something you can take from it. Even if it's something like being able to hold space for someone down the road in a way you could not have otherwise, that kind of stuff. So do you see how this perspective can help ease any kind of discomfort that's coming from that tower and could also help you make that important weighty decision, that choice? With a little less of like a burden on you about it?

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, working together. I love it.

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah. Did it resonate differently? With with that interpretation, the chariot?

    Jenn Hulley

    The chariot? Yes. Because I always interpret the chariot of is like, you're supposed to grab the reins and like, take direction and control things. And I'm like, I feel like maybe I'm doing too much of that, like driving.

    Tarot Lori

    You know, what's interesting what Erica, like, I remember this from the lesson 30 Whatever years ago, so he has the beast in each hand, right? And he's in his chariot and, and it's like this take the reins. But how Erica described it, she said, it's almost like one is going this way. And one is going the other way. And if he doesn't make a decision he's going to be ripped into. So you have to figure out which way you're going to be steering it by making a choice that is based in intellect, emotion and intuition.

    Jenn Hulley

    I love it. That's a good one. That's a good offense.

    Tarot Lori

    I'll send a picture of this to you after

    Jenn Hulley

    Yeah, please do spooky. I can't believe you pulled the chariot. I mean, I can't believe it because

    Tarot Lori

    that was really cool.

    Jenn Hulley

    She pulls this I'll be like, Okay, it's time to listen, I'm listening. Oh, that's amazing. So, tell us how people can get in touch with you. wanted to have a reading or anything done like this or you know your Instagram and stuff like that. But how can people reach out to you specifically and not get one of those creeps on the internet? That's not really you?

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah, I mean, my website is Tara tr o t You can send an email through the contact form on that website. You can email me info at Tara Laurie, calm, Instagram, Taro dot Laurie. And I always move any kind of requests for readings from DMS on Instagram to email like right away just to avoid that whole scammers model. So yeah, that's kind of the easiest way just Google taro Laurie, because I come up pretty high in the ranking that happened just organically during COVID is pretty cool.

    Jenn Hulley

    That's amazing. And you how do you work with people? So you've got the stuff you do on Instagram, you get the course you do individual readings, you do events as well, you were saying? Yep, I do. I am interesting. doing that.

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah. I mean, I've done a ton of corporate happy hours now. And you can see people show up and they're kind of side eyeing the whole situation, but by the end, they're all just like, tell me everything. Cool. So I do corporate stuff, special events, one on one readings, parties, like Girls Night In that kind of thing. bachelorette parties, all that kind of stuff. I was doing it all online for the last couple of years. I'm still doing individual readings online exclusively. And I'm starting to dip my toe into in person event stuff. Yeah, but honestly, it's interesting a woman just reached out last night actually for a bachelorette party and she was talking about me driving into Toronto and Baba Baba. And for the whole like production of it I said you know, you can just go like click on the zoom and I'm there and then I'm done and you can get on with your thing you know, and as I said earlier, I think it's better I don't know

    Jenn Hulley

    That's interesting. I was gonna ask Do you find it harder or easier but you were saying people are in there I was based there more Yeah,

    Tarot Lori

    I was a bit hesitant not headset as this suspicious if it would work like I was like, oh, no, about this. But yeah, it's just as good if not better.

    Jenn Hulley

    That's awesome. Awesome. I love it. Well, we've had such an interesting conversation I My mind is spinning I'm gonna have to process everything and think about all that especially the chariot again. I'm like, Oh my god. I love it though. And I love I encourage everyone to reach out to you Yes, because you're like I said your Instagram content honestly. Like it's so helpful. And it is Louis without the cuckoo and it's really helpful if you're trying to learn Tarot or just like I find I don't see it every day but once in a while I'll be like, Oh, let me go look at the daily reading and it's the day that I need to see it so it always happens to work out that way. But you're funny as hell as well. And your your random stories that have nothing to do with Tarot make me laugh. Like when you lost your chicken around Christmas and still left that chicken.

    Tarot Lori

    Yeah. The second one I found but yeah.

    Jenn Hulley

    So if you're looking for you know, a good laugh in the day, but also learning about Tarot. Definitely check her out at Taro is Taro dot Laurie. Is it on here? Scott, Laura Laurie? Yeah, on Instagram. And we'll put all the details in the show notes of how you can reach out to her find out all about her course. And her Instagram handles and how you can get in touch if you want to have a reading or an event. It's been awesome having you thank you so much. I gonna touch base with you again. Yeah, we'll do a little follow up one day, I think on my on my chariot. I'll get you to myself for the hour. All right. Thanks so much for being here.

    Tarot Lori

    Okay, thank you. Bye. Bye.

    Jenn Hulley

    I hope you enjoyed this week's episode. If something really hit you in the fields and left you feel in like I feel seen. I would love for you to share this podcast so that we can continue to grow the community. Share it with a friend encourage them to subscribe post your favorite gems on Instagram. Make sure you tag me at Jennifer Hulley. Every little bit helps. And by sharing this podcast with those that you know will love it. You're helping to grow this amazing community. Thank you so much for your support and I'll talk to you soon.


Food BLOG PHOTOGRAPHY: FOODIE with a life, Christina Conrad


"Borrowing Brave": How to Make Hard Decisions and Not Freak Out